Welcome to the North Texas Vegetable Gardening website. This site was created to be a valuable resource for backyard, frontyard, sideyard, and hobby vegetable gardeners living in or near the DFW metroplex. We are a community of people helping and learning from each other.
BLOG -published articles submitted by select authors
FORUM -online community, discussions, pictures, questions, local store reviews
HELPDESK -support ticket system staffed by experienced volunteers who can provide quality answers to local vegetable gardening questions
FAQs / KNOWLEDGEBASE -library of common answers
Additional resources may be selected from the menu selection on the top of the page.
I am interested in what type of vegetables grow best here in North Texas for the winter
I just noted your question so it’s a bit late, but in most years with urban settings spinach, black lettuce, and other leafy greens are good options.
Mustard greens all winter. Cauliflower but get it in the ground close to 1st frost date. Leave carrots and beets in the ground; they will continue to grow a little and will give you fresh healthy carrots and beets until next spring.
Swiss chard and kale will survive into the mid 20’s without protection. With protection I’ve had them survive into the low teens. I have video at libertygarden.net.
We grew spinach, various lettuces, various types of radishes, beets, snow peas and sweet peas and all did very well. The lettuces took a while to show up though.
Collards, pak choy,spinach, snow peas, cabbage broccoli, cilantro
Help, something is eating the leaves of my heirloom tomato plants and white bell pepper plant,
stripping the plant clean and big bites out of ripening fruits, vegetables, I do have possums in
my yard, I do not see slugs or other garden bugs. Ammie
I clicked the link for the Citizen Gardener program on the 101 page and it brought me to this page. Could you probide the correct link?
The links have been corrected and should work now.
Link still isn’t working:(
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We have several community gardens in Carrollton Texas. . How do we register them so they appear on your list? Laura M.
anyone can create an account for the forum and make new posts. drill down from the “where” board https://northtexasvegetablegardeners.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0 to get to your city / area
When I clicked the link for this site on FB it brought me to a non SSL session. Once I clicked on one of your menu links I was directed to a secure version of the site. HTTP requests are not redirecting to HTTPS. So google can potentially see two versions of your site.
I have not been successful in being able to post a question on the pro’s and con’s of electric on the counter composter. Please tell me how to do this. Thank you!
What can you buy the snow peas seeds?
Nice group, if someone wants to see the full planting calendar of North Texas can check: https://gardenvive.com/north-texas-planting-calendar/