DFW Aquaponics Group

Creating a closed-loop system of growing fish and growing plants without soil is aquaponics.  It utilizes the plants as a filter for fish waste, or maybe is uses fish waste as plant food, but however you say it, these systems are pretty exciting and fun to experiment with.  Adam Cohen is mentoring folks interesting in learning how to build there own systems.  Once a month, the group meets up to build a complete system in a day.  It is a hands-on classroom.  Here are a few pictures from the meetup this past weekend.  If you are interested in learning more, check out the DFW Aquaponics Meetup.com group.

I made a small starter system myself, and I’m fascinated with it.  You can read more about my aquaponics system my clicking the hyperlink.  Eventually, I change out my goldfish for a more edible fish like catfish or talipia.

Brian is a backyard vegetable gardener, aquaponics experimenter and permaculture designer.

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Vegetable Gardening 101

The most common questions about gardening come from people just starting out: What do I do?  How do I start?  Most any experienced gardener will tell you they never stop learning, so don’t wait until you think you ‘know it all’ to get started; try following some common guidelines, get started NOW, and learn as you go.

The Deal

The first thing is to understand ‘the deal’.  You want plants to produce food.  These plants have special needs because they are bred to produce tasty food, but usually aren’t so good at survival against all the other types of plants.  There are certain things they need, and in return for their food, you need to provide them a certain level of comfort, security, food, water, and a nice environment.   Continue reading

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Grow Your Veggie Lover

I’m a lucky woman.  Simply because my grandparents and parents had large gardens, I learned to appreciate and enjoy the taste of fresh, straight off the vine garden goodness.  My Mom, Grandmother and my 4-H experiences taught me to cook, bake, and preserve all manner of things.  Growing up in a farm and ranch community, living a rural route lifestyle, I learned to know about and prepare for weather, appreciate where my food came from, and have amazing natural experiences.  It wasn’t until I came to the Big City that I realized how fortunate I am.

The main thing I learned was that you learn to like what you eat—if you are raised on fast food and junk food, then that is what you will continue eating until poor health leads to an early grave.  If you learn to eat and prepare fresh and healthy foods, that eating lifestyle will stick with you for life.  Your eating style can even impact who you choose to be your partner.  I admit I ended a few relationships with nice fellows because they wouldn’t eat a vegetable other than potatoes or corn.  Luckily, my husband is one of the healthiest and most adventurous eaters I know.  That was important to me, as I wanted to raise a healthy family.

So many adults my age (and their children) don’t like vegetables. I call this group “the lost generation”. Some might vaguely remember a garden at grandma’s house, but have no experience growing or tasting anything they or their parents grew. There was the luxury of a no sweat, no thought dependence on store-bought food. That’s where food magically comes from, right? No wonder the lost generation doesn’t like vegetables, when you take a bite of store bought produce, or mass canned foods, compared to something you taste right from the garden. There is a huge discrepancy in taste, and an equal loss of nutrients when compared to what you can grow yourself. Plus, there is something about ownership of growing something that makes a kid more willing to take a bite.

Since most of your taste for vegetables is acquired as a child, it is very important to expose kids to as many fresh and tasty options as possible. It isn’t important for them to eat a lot—a small bite of something new each time it is available is enough. What is important is that they are expected to eat that small bite, then be exposed to it again next time it is available. Eventually, it is an acquired taste. Every time a child comes to my garden, I ask if they would like to try something—“a piece of organic lettuce or a cherry tomato, perhaps?” Their parent might say, “They’ll never eat that!” Most of the time, I can convince even the toughest cases to try something, and usually they admit to liking it and often want to try even more.

My kids and the neighbor kids that have a community garden plot next to ours can decimate a lettuce patch in 5 minutes or less, if you don’t give them some guidelines. Those girls give Peter Cottontail a run for his money on garden gorging! Aren’t they lucky? I hope to inspire every parent and grandparent to get out and grow something fresh and organic with your children and grandchildren. It’s an investment far bigger than a college fund, it is an investment of memory making and a gift of lifelong health.

Heather Rinaldi owns Texas Worm Ranch

“like” Texas Worm Ranch on Facebook

Her Mission: Growing Organic Gardens, Families, Communities and Business in Dallas

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Call for Guest Bloggers

The NTVG’s blog is looking for a few guests to write about our favorite subject, growing food in your own yard!   If you would like to write a guest post, please leave a comment and give a short summary of what your article would be about.


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Lessons from Leslie – Heirloom Vegetables for Texas

Leslie Helleck is the general manager at North Haven Gardens.  She gave a very informative talk recently on the topic of “Heirloom Vegetables for Texas”.  Here are some of the highlights from her presentation:


  • Cultiver – man-made hybrid
  • F1 – first generation cross
  • Seeds from hybrids usually do not come true
  • Variety – accidental or naturally occurring cross
  • Heirlooms – open-pollinated, stable species or variety, seed comes true when saved.  Must be cultivated for at least 50 years (some say 100 years) to be called a heirloom.

Heirlooms are important because they promote diversity (vs monoculture), protect food supply, have different and unique flavors, and preserve heritage and culture.  (Note:  some new hybrid tomatoes don’t have enough acid content to safely can w/ water bath equipment)

In our area, September through May is the most productive gardening time, which is when cool season crops are growing.  Here are her recommendations for varieties:

  • Asparagus – Martha Washington (asparagus does not tolerate competition or poor drainage) Continue reading
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